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Privacy Policy

Service Privacy Policy

UpNext Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "company") is responsible for all services provided by the company, as well as events and seminars held by the company (hereinafter referred to as "service, etc."), except when conducted for the company's recruitment activities, and will handle customer information as follows. In order to use the services, etc., customers must carefully read the service privacy policy and agree to all its contents. If you do not agree to the privacy policy, please stop using the services.

1. Information to be obtained

Our company may obtain and use the following information when you use this service, etc. If you do not provide the following information, we may not be able to provide some functions of this service, etc.

  1. Profile information: When a customer uses this service, etc., the company collects information such as name, age, gender, address, telephone number, profile photo, place of work, title, work history, educational background, qualifications, email address, etc. 

  2. Contact information: If you use the contact information addition function, we will obtain your device's contact information (name, phone number, email address, photo, etc.).

  3. Calendar information: If you provide calendar information through this service, etc., we will obtain information about your schedule.

  4. Payment Information: When you use paid services such as this service, we may obtain certain financial information (credit card information, bank account information, etc.).

  5. Information regarding usage status: When a customer uses this service, etc., the company collects information regarding the usage environment and usage status (device identifier, advertising ID, IP address, cookie information, OS information, etc.) automatically sent from the customer's terminal (type, browser type, browser language, landing page, number of page views, number of clicks, viewing order, viewing time, search words, etc.).

  6. Inquiry information: Our company may obtain information about customers (identity verification information, etc.) through interactions with customers using inquiry forms, etc.

  7. Others: Our company acquires information about customers that they provide through this service, etc.

2. Purpose of use

We will use the customer information we obtain for the following purposes:

2.1. Providing, improving and developing the service, etc.

  1. To smoothly provide this service, etc.

  2. To investigate and analyze the usage status of this service, etc. and acquired personal information, and improve, improve, and develop the quality of this service, etc.

  3. To investigate and analyze the usage status of this service, etc. and acquired personal information, and to make content, advertisements, etc. displayed on this service, etc. suitable to the interests and needs of individual customers (personalization).

  4. To create and provide diagnostic results to customers when they use our diagnostic services.

  5. To explore other users you know or may know and recommend connections to you.

  6. To communicate with customers regarding this service, etc.

  7. To respond to customer inquiries.

  8. To bill customers for services, etc. or to ship products or prizes.

  9. To provide information regarding this service, etc. to customers or people other than customers (however, our company will not send information to anyone other than customers without the customer's consent).

  10. To provide information on services, products, events, seminars, etc. of our company and affiliated companies.

  11. For use in academic research.

2.2. Maintaining the security of this service, etc.

  1. To ensure the safety of this service, etc.

  2. To prevent unauthorized use such as unauthorized access and spamming.

2.3. Advertising and Marketing

  1. To provide advertisements (including personalized advertisements) regarding products and services of our company or third parties.

  2. To create statistical information regarding the use of this service, etc. and provide such statistical information to third parties. 

3. Public information

Among the information acquired by our company, the following information can be viewed by other customers who use this service, etc. However, the scope of disclosure of the acquired information may be changed within the scope of the specifications of this service, etc.

  1. Customer profile information

  2. Third party service registration information

4. Disclosure of acquired information to third parties

Our company will not disclose the acquired information to a third party without the customer's consent, except in the cases specified below and as permitted by law.

  1. Behavioral targeting advertising, etc.: Our company may provide non-personally identifiable information about customers (device identifiers, advertising IDs, cookie information, access logs, etc.) and statistical information created based on that information to third parties for the purpose of behavioral targeting advertising. 

5. Joint use of acquired information with third parties

Our company may jointly use the information we obtain as follows.

  1. Information to be jointly used: Acquired information stipulated in "1. Information to be obtained"

  2. Purpose of use by the user: As stated in "2. Purpose of use"

  3. Person responsible for shared use: UpNext Co., Ltd. Chief Executive Officer

  4. Reference information regarding joint use with a third party located in a foreign country among the persons listed in 2.

  • Information regarding systems related to the protection of personal information in a foreign country: Please see the "Survey on systems related to the protection of personal information in foreign countries" published by the Personal Information Protection Commission.

  • Information regarding the measures taken by the third party to protect personal information: The third party has taken the same level of measures regarding the handling of personal data as required of personal information handling businesses in Japan.

6. Regarding external transmission of user information

The company uses access analysis to improve the quality and experience of the services, etc. provided by the company, to tailor content and advertisements displayed on the services, etc. to the interests and needs of individual customers, and to improve the quality and experience of the services, etc. provided by the company. In order to improve our services, we may use tags and information collection modules to send information about our customers (hereinafter referred to as "user information") to external parties.

7. Disclosure of personal information, etc.

7.1. Disclosure

Unless the company is legally obligated to do so, customers may request disclosure of personal information provided to the company in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the company. However, a prescribed disclosure fee may be charged.

7.2. Corrections etc.

Unless the company is legally obligated to do so, customers may request correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, or erasure of personal information in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the company.

7.3 Claim procedure

When making requests for 1 and 2 above, please write to that effect and contact us at the email address below. We will send you separate instructions after receiving the email.

8. Revision

Our company may revise the service privacy policy as necessary. When using this service, please be sure to check the latest service privacy policy. If you use this service, etc., you are deemed to have agreed to the latest service privacy policy.

9. Inquiries regarding information handling

If you have any questions, complaints, or consultation regarding the handling of information in this service, etc., please contact us at the email address below.

Last updated: May 7, 2024




Privacy Policy for Recruitment Activities


UpNext Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "company'') welcomes people (hereinafter referred to as "candidates'') who have applied or participated in recruitment events, job recruitment, and recruitment screening (hereinafter referred to as "recruitment activities'') conducted by the company. We will handle the personal information of individuals (hereinafter referred to as "persons") as follows. Please read this privacy policy carefully before applying.

1. Personal information to be obtained

Our company may acquire and use the following personal information of candidates from candidates, recruitment services, recruitment agents, etc. in order to achieve the purposes set forth in "2. Purpose of use."

  1. Personal information contained in resumés, work history, etc. (including, but not limited to, name, age, gender, marital status, address, telephone number, place of employment, work history, educational background, nationality, email address, etc.)

  2. Content of communication, including communications between our company and candidates, conducted for recruitment activities. 

  3. Application and participation history in recruitment activities, and selection results in recruitment screening.

  4. Personal information regarding the health status of the candidate. 

  5. Other information that can be easily compared with other information, thereby making it possible to identify the individual candidate.

2. Purpose of use

Our company will use the acquired personal information of candidates for the following purposes.

  1. For recruitment activities of candidates.

  2. To provide information on various recruitment events and to accept applications.

  3. To provide various information regarding our company.

  4. To support acquisition of necessary entry visas and work permits.

  5. To carry out procedures related to employment contracts between candidates and the company.

  6. To make necessary preparations for employment at the company, such as enrolling in social insurance and conducting medical examinations.

  7. To reconsider future employment opportunities. 

  8. To compile information regarding recruitment activities into statistics and utilize it for future recruitment activities at our company.

3. Disclosure of acquired personal information to third parties

Our company will not provide acquired personal information to a third party without the candidate's consent, except in the following cases.

  1. ​When based on laws and regulatoins

  2. When it is necessary for the protection of human life, body or property, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the candidate.

  3. When it is necessary to improve public health, the well-being of children, or to promote educational development and it is difficult to obtain the candidate's consent. 

  4. When a national organization or local government, or a person entrusted by them, carries out affairs stipulated by law. In cases where it is necessary to cooperate with a candidate for the purpose of conducting business, and there is a risk that obtaining the consent of the candidate may impede the execution of the relevant affairs.  

  5. When personal data is provided due to business succession due to merger or other reasons.


4. Entrusting the handling of personal information to a third party

Our company may outsource all or part of the handling of personal information to a subcontractor to the extent necessary to achieve "2. Purpose of use." When outsourcing, we will thoroughly examine the suitability of the subcontractor and ensure that personal information is managed appropriately when concluding the contract. In addition, the company will appropriately supervise the management of such outsourced parties.

5. Joint use of acquired information with third parties

Our company may jointly use the information we obtain as follows.

  1. Information to be jointly used: Acquired information stipulated in "1. Information to be acquired"

  2. Purpose of use by the user: As stated in "2. Purpose of use"

  3. Person responsible for shared use: UpNext Co., Ltd. Chief Executive Officer

  4. Reference information regarding joint use with a third party located in a foreign country among the persons listed in 2.

  • Information regarding systems related to the protection of personal information in a foreign country: Please see the "Survey on systems related to the protection of personal information in foreign countries" published by the Personal Information Protection Commission.

  • Information regarding the measures taken by the third party to protect personal information: The third party has taken the same level of measures regarding the handling of personal data as required of personal information handling businesses in Japan.

6. Disclosure of personal information, etc.

6.1. Disclosure

Unless the company is legally obligated to do so, customers may request disclosure of personal information provided to the company in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the company. However, a prescribed disclosure fee may be charged.

6.2. Corrections etc.

Unless the company is legally obligated to do so, customers may request correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, or erasure of personal information in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the company.

6.3 Claim procedure

When making requests for 1 and 2 above, please write to that effect and contact us at the email address below. We will send you separate instructions after receiving the email.

7. Revision

We may revise the privacy policy regarding our recruitment activities as necessary. Candidates should be sure to check the latest privacy policy when applying to our company. Changes to this privacy policy will be announced by posting them on our website.

8. Inquiries regarding the handling of personal information

If you have any questions, complaints, or consultation regarding the handling of personal information in our recruitment activities, please contact us at the email address below.

Last updated: May 7, 2024

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